Free visual novel
NomnomNami is the developer for Contract Demon, a free visual novel game for Windows 8 and Windows 10. The game is presented in 2D animation and is played using a mouse and keyboard.
In this visual novel, an angel summons a demon; their interactions fuel the narrative. The story has no player choices or alternative endings. It’s rated for 16 years and up due to sexual topics and strong language. Other games in this genre are Space Hop: Episode 1 and (Don’t) Open Your Eyes.
Download and install
Contract Demon is a ‘Name your own price’ download. It means you can download it free or give a donation of your choice to the developer. If you donate above a certain amount, you’ll receive the art collection as a bonus. Once the 80 MB download completes, extract the ZIP file and run it with an emulator on your 32-bit or 64-bit Windows PC.
Characters and play
There are only two characters in the game. Kamilla uses the pronouns she/her and is 2,480 years old. She’s a demon but doesn’t always succeed in acting like one. Eleni is an angel, 24 years old and her chosen pronouns are also she/her. She loves demons and rabbits.
Contract Demon is a linear novel with no choices for you to make as the player. You keep on reading the story until the end, similar to a book. The game consists of a series of conversations between Kamilla and Eleni. Eleni invites Kamilla to her world. Kamila offers her services for a fee, but Eleni can’t understand the strange feelings she has being around Kamilla. The story game is finishable within 20-30 minutes.
Graphics and sound
The games use 2D animations, with the settings in various shades of pink. Eleni is adorable, while Kamilla looks slightly alien with her colours and horns. You can download the full soundtrack on Bandcamp if you find yourself enjoying it. If you donate above a certain amount, you’ll get the Contract Demon Art Collection in a PDF file.
Linear story
The Contract Demon game offers a linear narrative with no alternative endings. Watch the story following the interaction between an angel and a demon. It explores sexual topics and involves strong language. The story game is just long enough to kill idle time.