بخدمتكم: Government Complaints Management Unit
بخدمتكم is a government complaint management unit available on the Android platform. It was established in 2010 to address citizens' complaints against government institutions and measure their commitment to resolving these complaints. The program is managed by a specialized unit at the Ministry of Public Sector Development, reporting to the Government Services Development Directorate.
Through بخدمتكم, users can file complaints, suggestions, inquiries, or compliments regarding government services. The system ensures confidentiality, transparency, and professionalism, with the identity of the complainant verified through a linked database. To use the application, users need to register and provide personal information as mentioned in their national ID or passport. They can then choose the type of request and fill in the necessary details, including attachments if required. A reference code is provided for tracking purposes.
Once a request is submitted, the responsible entity's focal point reviews it and coordinates with relevant departments to determine the timeline for resolution. Once the request is resolved, the focal point updates the system and notifies the requester. بخدمتكم aims to enhance service quality, listen to customers, and involve them as partners in the development process of the public sector. It offers a convenient and efficient way for citizens to communicate their concerns and provide feedback to government institutions.