How to Install Google Chrome on Your Mac OSX Machine
The current issue has to do with how Google Chrome gets developing. At the core, this web browser is a free open-source project maintained by Google. All active modification and cutting-edge technology are added to the Chromium code repository, and thus many builds are periodically released each day. There's also an independent repository of Google Chrome modifications and tools, called Google Chrome Build Tools. However, there is a big difference between these two versions of Google's web browser.
If you're using Google Chrome on your Mac OSX machine, chances are that you are using the Google Chrome Dev Preview installed within the Google Chrome program (which is a Google Chrome experimental version). This is actually the same application that you can use to run Chrome on your PC. While it is true that the application is primarily meant for testing purposes only, it does have the ability to sync your Google Chrome data between your desktop and your Google Chrome website, so if you happen to change something in your desktop, you will also see the corresponding change in the Google Chrome website.
However, if you use the Google Chrome Dev Preview application to install Google Chrome on your Mac OSX machine, you are actually getting the unstable "stabilized" version of Google Chrome instead of the final stable version. Google Chrome developers have released a number of experimental versions in the past, but they haven't released the stable version until now. Google Chrome also has the ability to switch to the latest stable version of the web browser automatically. This means that even if you don't want to upgrade your system, Google Chrome can easily take you to the Google Chrome website in order to get the latest version of the web browser. So while you can use Google Chrome on your Mac OSX machine in the same way that you can use Google Chrome on your PC, it would be a good idea to try out the Google Chrome Dev Preview first so that you know what to do if you want to use Google Chrome on your Mac OSX machine.