Album Artwork Assistant for Mac


Marc Liyanage(Free)

User rating8

Add cover art to iTunes

Album Artwork Assistant is a simple yet powerful tool that allows you to add cover art to your iTunes library. With a vast collection of album covers to choose from, this program helps you bring your music collection to life. Whether you have a well-organized library or an eclectic mix of music, Album Artwork Assistant makes it easy to find and label the covers of your albums.

Using Album Artwork Assistant is a breeze. Simply select the name of the album you want to check for from your iTunes collection, and the program will present you with a wide range of album art options. From there, you can choose the cover that best suits your taste. The program conveniently displays all the available album covers in the lower window.

Once you've made your selection, Album Artwork Assistant allows you to send the chosen cover directly to iTunes, where you can effortlessly add it to your collection. While it's true that some singles and albums may not yield any results, on average, this program has a higher success rate than the built-in iTunes cover art searcher.

If you have albums in your collection that are lacking covers, Album Artwork Assistant is the perfect solution to fill those gaps and enhance your music library.


Album Artwork Assistant 3.2 for Mac
  • Mac OS X
Latest update:
Tuesday, December 26th 2023
Marc Liyanage

Album Artwork Assistant for Mac


Marc Liyanage(Free)

User rating8


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