
Symphony for Windows

Empty Clip Studios(Paid)

User rating8


Symphony - A Music-Driven Vertical Shooter Game

Symphony is a unique and innovative music-driven vertical shooter game developed by Empty Clip Studios. The game is designed to take you on a journey through your own music collection. You play as a ship that battles through your song collection to reclaim your music from a mysterious entity that absorbs and corrupts it.

The game has a cutting-edge music analysis system that adapts the game to any song you like. Each of your songs becomes a unique battlefield driven by intensity and tempo. Your music collection is now an item collection, and each song contains an item you can discover, equip, and upgrade. You can fully customize your ship to reach score targets, upgrade items, and unlock new difficulty levels.

Symphony has an innovative per-song leaderboard system that rewards you based on your weapons and the difficulty level. The game features five unique sets of boss enemies to conquer, six difficulty levels, and 30 achievements/medals to unlock. The game supports various file types, including MP3, OGG, WAV, FLAC, WMA, AIFF, and WV on Windows and Mac. The game also has full amBX support (cool lighting!) on Windows only.


Overall, Symphony is one of the most music-driven games ever made, and it's an excellent choice for anyone who loves music and vertical shooter games.



Symphony for Windows
  • Windows 11
Latest update:
Tuesday, January 23rd 2024
Empty Clip Studios

Symphony for PC

Empty Clip Studios(Paid)

User rating8


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