How to Get the Resident Evil 5 Benchmark For Windows
o Download the game: just fire up your favorite search engine and type in "resident evil 5 benchmark". If you are having issues with the console versions, then make sure that you use the xbox version. You can also download the beta version if you have it or if you are using the PC at work. Just remember to get the full version of the game for your reference.
o Run the game: just start up the game and go through the intro scenes. After you do that you will get into the action. You will be fighting the boss battle right after the intro. You will notice that the enemies are now using glassine helmets, which give you lots of good line of sight since there is actually a lot of cover. The combat in this part is better than the rest of the game in my opinion and you can definitely tell that you are playing the best version of the resident evil 5 game when playing on the Xbox 360, but be sure to check out the other platforms as well.