How to Uninstall Open Hexagon
The Open Hexagon is a unique, fully-articulated, fully color-correctible hexagonal marching ant technique marching instrument. The hexagon shapes are assembled on their base of pegs (non-permanent) and when removed form the base, are easily manipulated into any direction, such as up, down, left or right. The marching ant technique is easy to learn, and most instructional videos include step by step tutorials that allow the user to play without reading from a manual or diagram. The software is designed so that the user can easily change the marching ant patterns for different applications. It includes an intuitive interface that allows the user to easily alter the size of the marching ants while changing the size of the base.
Software name: Open Hexagon, developer: Vittorio Romeo
Open Hexagon is relatively simple to uninstall, using the built in installation procedures in Windows XP. Once the Open Hexagon program is uninstalled, do not click start up the windows, rather just close it. Then follow any other installation instructions that you see on the Open Hexagon homepage. After you have successfully uninstalled Open Hexagon, ensure that your computer is shutdown/restarted before removing any files that were permanently installed by the program. Now, restart your computer and you will be able to access the program's icon, which will now be a blank space.