Japanese School Life: A Cultural Adventure
Japanese School Life is an adventure game that takes place in Japan, where the main character, Brian, starts his new high school life. Brian quickly becomes friends with two girls in his class who teach him about Japanese culture and customs. Throughout the game, players will experience different seasons, such as summer festivals, autumn leaves, and winter Comiket. The game features the e-mote system, which brings the characters to life. In-game text is available in both English and Japanese, and there is an in-game accessible tips glossary with Japanese cultural and otaku terminology to enhance the game experience. Players can also enjoy Nekomimi Mode, where the characters wear cat ears. The game's voice cast includes Honda Chiyoko (CV: Taneda Risa) and Suzuki Arisa (CV: Takada Hatsumi). Japanese School Life is a full version game that is perfect for those who want to learn more about Japanese culture in a fun and interactive way.