HVEC reading extension
This extension adds the utility of reading High-Efficiency Video Coding to your computer. The software also provides you the option to choose which media programme will run the HEVC file.
HEVC files, or Heigh-Efficiency Video Coding files, are unreadable for many available video players and requires additional software to play these items. The media extension enables the ability to view these files by encoding them into readable content the video playing software can understand.
Variating playback experience
The efficiency of this application depends on the number of system resources available, as two HEVC files can require variating amounts of RAM or processing power. The graphics card your computer has can also play a major factor in determining the quality of the video playback.
The application is suitable for most Windows 10 systems but it works well with Intel 7th Gen processors and 4K or Ultra HD GPUs as well. The video resolution of the HEVC file will also affect playback quality. Higher resolution will consume more system resources.
Play compressed videos
High-Efficiency Video Coding files require an extension as they have a compressed size when compared to other file types such as MP4. This compression allows you to view higher-resolution movies without consuming a large amount of hard drive space. The storage space saved when using HEVC as your default video files is up to 50 percent.
Use any media player
HVEC Video Extensions works with any media player installed on your device. This includes the standard Windows 10 media player that comes with the operating system or advanced software such as VLC.
Installation issues
HEVC Video Extensions improves the standard media playing application you use and enables it to run High-Efficiency Video Coding files. The quality of playback varies depending on your hardware, but the extension struggles to install on most computers.