
Temple Endless Run 3 for Android


Linse Kog(Paid)

User rating8

How to Install Temple Endless Run 3 Apk and Play Online Games

Temple Endless Run 3D Game is one the most downloaded Android apps in that category published by Linse Kog in Google Play Store. Temple Endless Run 3D Game is an ultimate puzzle/action game developed for smart phones powered by Android Kit Kat platform. This particular game is the sequel of Temple Run: The Second Sight. Temple Endless Run 3D Game is the result of the successful franchise of the first game. The gameplay of Temple Endless Run 3D Game is similar to that of original; however, the graphics have been made superb, which makes this game more interesting.

Temple Endless Run 3D Game is widely used android application that supports many different devices from many different manufacturers such as HTC, Samsung, LG, Motorola, LG-Tune, Motorola SQL S BB, Sony Ericsson, Samsung Windows Mobile and iPhone devices. Temple Endless Run 3D Game has been ranked at the top positions of Google Play and its category in all the major smartphone directories. With more than 80 million downloads to its Google Play list, this is one of the most downloaded and favorite apps of android users worldwide. Now with the powerful android emulator support, people can easily play Temple Endless Run 3D Game on their computers as well.

To download and install temple endless run 3 apk, you need to have a computer with an internet connection, a Google Android device and your username. You can either use the default Google search box on your Google Android device or you can use any of the other famous PDA apps that are available on the android market like Anyplace else, Cuddly Mobile, Moxier, Smart Mobile or Slide. Once you are through with the installation process, just log into your account. This will allow you to check your email, messages and all your activity from any other phone. You can then connect your new device to your computer and run Temple Endless Run 3D Game right from the application. Enjoy!




Temple Endless Run 3 1.6.8 for Android
  • Android 9.0
Latest update:
Tuesday, February 14th 2023
Linse Kog
Download options:
Google Play

Temple Endless Run 3 for Android


Linse Kog(Paid)

User rating8


We don't have any change log information yet for version 1.6.8 of Temple Endless Run 3. Sometimes publishers take a little while to make this information available, so please check back in a few days to see if it has been updated.

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