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Editors' Review · March 31, 2024

DOP 2: Delete One Part Is A Unique Puzzle Game To Play On Your Android Phone

Sayames One Step is another puzzle game that you can play on your mobile device. This one is based off of the popular Japanese puzzle game called Sayames. The game revolves around a boy who must remove objects from a variety of stages by solving a series of obstacles. You do this by clicking on each of the shapes that are shown on the screen and then say the word "Sayame" (the correct pronunciation of which is "say MAH-tee") to lift the block.

The story behind DOP 2: delete one part is about two Japanese guys who stumble upon an egg containing three small cubes. Once they crack the egg, they realize that they have acquired the power to change someone's shape by using only the power of their mind. Now they must use their newfound skills to help the police department solve the mystery of the egg and figure out just what happened to it. While the game is very easy, it can be said that the latest version of the game has a few more challenges to offer than the original version did.

The game comes with four different levels that you can tackle when you download DOP 2: delete one part. If you find that this particular game is too easy for you, then you should try the other two puzzle games that you will find on Google Play. Sayames One Step and Sayames Two Step are also available for your mobile device. It doesn't matter if you like puzzle games or not, the point that you should remember is that they are meant to keep you busy for a short amount of time while you are using your device. So, if you are interested in solving brain teasers online, then DOP 2: delete one part will surely be a hit for you.

Enlarged image for DOP 2: Delete One Part
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DOP 2: Delete One Part 699.399.999 for Android
Android 13.0
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