Easily switch and backup versions of Minecraft
Minecraft Jar Switcher is a simple utility that allows you to easily switch between multiple versions of Minecraft and make backups of the game. It clearly displays the different versions of Minecraft that you have installed and even allows you to see comments and changes between them, such as pre-release, beta versions, and installed mods. Minecraft Jar Switcher is much safer than tinkering with the minecraft.jar file, which could potentially cause Minecraft to not boot properly if damaged.
Minecraft Jar Switcher simply accesses the location of your Minecraft launch file and automatically creates a backup. Each file is then marked with comments relating to the specific version or mod type, making it easy to choose the one you want to launch. The utility automatically copies the file to the correct location and launches it. Even if you don't use Minecraft Jar Switcher to switch between different versions of the game, it's still useful as a simple backup tool.
If you're a hardcore Minecraft fan and regularly play different versions of the game, Minecraft Jar Switcher is an excellent utility.