Tactical Ops: Assault on Terror Game Review
Tactics: Assault on Terror is a very popular online multiplayer online game, developed by the popular game developer studios, Cryptic Studios and Red Hook Studios. The story behind Tactics: Assault on Terror revolves around an international terrorist group called the Calibration Group. This group of terrorists have been hired by the secret government agency, Blackwater, to do whatever it takes to disrupt and take out certain countries. If one country falls to a group of terrorists, it's the mission of the United States military to roll over that country and occupy it as quickly as possible. Players control both planes and a tank and must utilize their wings, guns, explosives, and vehicles against a huge number of enemy soldiers, all in an attempt to stop the world from being destroyed.
For those who have never heard of Tactical Ops: Assault on Terror, here is a little bit of information about the game. The player has several different paths to choose from throughout the single player mode, each path different than the last. Some of the different paths include a rescue operation after an attack on America, a counter-strike against an attack on America, the sabotage of an American base, and an anti-air attack on an air defense base. Each of these paths have a few different levels within them as well as some objectives that must be successfully completed in order to move on to the next level.
In order to be able to play Tactical Ops: Assault on Terror in its single player mode, you do not have to purchase the entire game, but if you purchase the entire package including the single player mission, you will be able to instantly access the single player game. This package includes the original game disk, the "Revenge of Machines" bonus mission, two maps - "Dawn of Machines" and "Night of Machines", three different difficulties (Normal, Advanced, and Expert), the counter-strike weapon, two gadgets - the knife and gun, and the "Knife" gadget which allows you to perform lighthearted blade moves similar to the original arcade version of the stunt. If you purchase all of these packaged items and purchase the Tactical Ops: Assault on Terror bundle, you will receive a free download code for the "Knife". Also, if you purchase the package with a minimum of $40 dollars or more, you will receive two free PlayStation Eye video games.