Free Windows 10 privacy checker
Privatezilla is a free open-source Window 10 privacy checker that integrates with privacy settings that you can fine-tune. It has a clean interface, preventing you to sift through hundreds of items. It also performs well as a debloater, having similar functions as Debloat Windows 10 and Windows10Debloater.
When your new settings are activated, you’ll see a ‘Configured’ message. It lets you see which apps you still need to work through and which ones are unprotected. The app is a community package that developers are constantly updating for improvements.
Privacy checker
If you have a new version of Windows 10 and are unsure of its privacy, you can use Privatezilla to check it for you. The program will run through all your apps and settings for you to ensure that your operating system is safe and protected. It also has a debloater tool to clean applications and settings that aren’t considered essential.
Changing settings
It can be an extremely time-consuming exercise to sort through hundreds of settings and configurations. This is where Privatezilla shines the most as it does all the heavy lifting for you. The app runs through all of the software on your computer within minutes, resulting in a report of where you need to make changes to achieve improved performance.
Community development
There’s an active community behind this open-source program that continuously works to provide new updates. There are advanced functions you can access, but you’ll need to download these separately from GitHub.
While the advanced features are not part of the basic app, you may not need all of the functionality as these additional tools will add to the overall app size. You can also choose between the 32 and 64-bit versions.
Custom scripts
There are a few developers that create custom scripts for Privatezilla. If you find a command you would like to find implemented, it may be available in the script marketplace. If it does exist, you can add it to the program is easy, and there are many other functions you’ll be able to deploy to make the app run more efficiently.
Protect your Windows privacy
Privatezilla is the community’s answer to configuring Windows 10 security settings. If you need to debloat the operating system, you can safely do so with this app. In the end, you’ll have more control over the settings with your computer.