Little Big Adventure 2: A Memorable Adventure
Little Big Adventure 2, also known as Twinsen's Odyssey, is an action-packed game developed by DotEmu. It is the sequel to the popular game Little Big Adventure, where the hero Twinsen frees his world from an evil dictator. In this new adventure, Twinsen discovers that his planet has been visited by aliens. Without any explanation, Twinsen embarks on a quest to defeat the aliens and their evil god to save the world once again.
This adventure game is filled with action elements, memorable characters, and a well-written story that will keep you entertained for hours. The game is available in six languages, including English, German, and French, with text available in Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese. Little Big Adventure 2 is a great sequel to Relentless: Twinsen's Adventure that will take you on a memorable adventure across the galaxy.