Kompozer Internet Marketing Tool
Kompozer has become one of my favorite Internet marketing tools because it's so easy to use and download. After you download Kompozer (which is over 90 MB), you can start straight away. After that, just copy and paste your content into the html document that's located inside the "index" area. Then customize it with any number of buttons and plugins that you prefer. The theme comes fully loaded with many of the Kompozer themes that I personally love.
In order to get the full functionality of Kompozer, you'll definitely need a web browser. Which one? Kompozer supports: Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, SafariVista, and... well, you get the picture. If you don't have a web browser yet, it's definitely in your best interest to pick the one that has the most features and that has the highest reliability and security for you to browse the Internet with. Kompozer comes with an HTML editor built in, which is nice... but you can also use the Word macro function within the html editor for more convenience.
Overall, Kompozer really is a great tool for any level of web developer. It's an editor/source code editor that works great for those just starting out, or who need to edit a bit of code for their mac Os X systems. Kompozer will be especially useful for those who need to write a bit of code, but aren't tech savvy and aren't familiar with HTML.