Create Your Own Leagues
This League Table Creator application makes it easy for users to create their own team. You can select and then pick how many teams you want in it whether you wish to have a two-legged or a group league. With this League Table Creator application, you can choose between a normal or a group league. Do not forget about the points you want to award for winning and for a draw. When entering teams, you can either select whether the players wear colors or not. After you have entered all the teams, you can decide it'll be a two-legged or a group league, with a top scorer's list. The rest is up to you. You can also decide how many times you want to create a league table each time you launch the application. By selecting the teams and the number of games to be played, you can start making one. The fixture is created automatically and you can select how many times a week the league table is going to be created. The application has a lot of settings, make sure to save it! If you don't want to continue creating it anymore, just hit 'Quit', the application will then ask you whether you want to save the league for the exact settings to remain.