
Google Photos APK for Android


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Google (Free)

Google Photos is one of the most used gallery apps available today. This image gallery allows you to back up all your cherished images and videos to the cloud, so you never have to worry about losing them. This app also organizes your gallery automatically and allows you to add beautiful filters.

Optimise your storage

This programme offers free high-quality storage so you can back up as much content as you would like. Images can be stored up to 16 megapixels and videos in 1080p H4. Having your photos and videos stored here will free up space on your device. Photos can be safely removed from your device's storage without having to worry about them disappearing forever.

If the free storage space is not enough to cover your needs, you may upgrade through your Google Account. Add 100 gigabytes or just $1.99 per month.

Superior intelligence

What separates Google Photos from other gallery applications is its ability to automatically catalogue and group your photos based on time and location. Images will also be sorted by what appears, allowing you to search for keywords such as beach or cat to quickly find what you are seeking.

Edit and animate

Get creative and edit images to your liking. This app offers an editing mode where you can make simple adjustments or add filters.

Who doesn't love a good GIF? With Google Photos, you can create animated GIFs from your photos and stories. This animator is endlessly entertaining, and the final product is guaranteed to make you smile.

If you don’t feel the creativity flowing, the app will produce automatically created movies, animations, and collages for you. If you want something in hand, you can create a photo book through your phone or your computer with all of your favourite shots.


Sharing memories of good times with friends and family is simple with this gallery app. Smart sharing suggestions use face recognition to offer recommendations of to whom you can send the image. You can instantly share photos with any contact, email, or phone number that you have on hand or stored in your device.

Shared albums are a great way to enjoy all of the shots from a family reunion or work event. Just add everyone to a shared album, and they’ll be able to view your photos and add their own. In addition to this feature, shared libraries allow a person that you trust access to all of your stored images.

Curated for you

Google Photos is an excellent and intelligent galley application that helps you make the most out of your images and galleries. Whether you are a hands-on creative or a laid back user, you will find endless entertainment in the array of features that the tool offers. The days of boring family vacation slideshows are over; now you can instantly recollect on the fun with your loved ones with the tap of a finger. This app is a must-download for everyone.


Google Photos for Android
  • Android 13.0
Latest update:
Wednesday, April 24th 2024

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Google Photos APK for Android


User rating10


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