
Free Subway Surfer Cheat APK for Android


esc ltd(Free)

User rating8


A free cheating mod for the Subway Surfers game

Free Subway Surfer Cheat is a piece of software that you add to your phone, and it allows you to cheat while playing a game called Subway Surfers. Similar to Dodgy Rocks, this is an infinite-playing game. This cheat package gives you the things you would normally pay real money for in the Subway Surfers game.

The cheat package includes single-use power ups and long-term upgrades. Like the GTA IV mod, this software modifies the game so that you gain all the upgrades and infinite use of single-use items without having to pay for them.

How can I get a cheat high score in Subway Surfers?

If you wondered how people were able to get high scores in the tens of thousands with this game, it is because they used high score cheats like those in this software.


This program doesn't let you hack the scoreboard, but it does give you the tools that allow you to play for a very long time until you earn a very high score.

Does Subway Surfers ever end?

The Subway Surfers game is what is known as an infinite runner. This means it doesn't end in the conventional way.

In the vein of a roguelike game, the maps are randomly generated using stored assets. The variety may mix, but there will always be a little repetition. It is through this randomness and repetition that the game is able to spawn infinite lengths of track within the game.

Banned but not patched

Since this Subway Surfers cheat mod is effectively making in-game purchases obsolete, this cheat package has been banned by online gaming stores. However, despite the popularity of this cheat package, it hasn’t been patched within the game.

The game developers didn't change the base game to make this cheat mod moot. Ergo, you can still use this cheat package for free rather than paying for in-game purchases when playing Subway Surfers. In fact, if it were not for the tricky installing methods applied by this cheat mod, it would have scored a solid 10 out of 10.



Free Subway Surfer Cheat 3 for Android
  • Android 4.3
Latest update:
Monday, June 28th 2021
esc ltd
Download options:

Free Subway Surfer Cheat APK for Android


esc ltd(Free)

User rating8


We don't have any change log information yet for version 3 of Free Subway Surfer Cheat. Sometimes publishers take a little while to make this information available, so please check back in a few days to see if it has been updated.

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