doTERRA Essential Oils - MyEO: The Ultimate Reference Guide for Essential Oils
doTERRA Essential Oils - MyEO is a free app developed by Essentl that serves as the ultimate reference guide for essential oils. It contains information vetted from top sources, real oil users, doctors, physicians, and medical professionals. The app offers a convenient smart search that allows you to search by name and anything you might be trying to find. It also has hundreds of health, wellness, and medical conditions listed in this essential oil reference guide app specific to each oil, with detailed instructions on how to apply and use every oil. The app has all the latest single and blended dōTERRA® oils available with up-to-date information that is constantly being updated and added upon by their professional team. The app also has a new recipe section with unique recipes for using your oils, beauty recipes, DIY diffusion blends, and much more to come.