
Белпочта APK for Android


RUE of Posts Belpochta(Free)

User rating8


Free postal mail app

Белпочта is a free postal mail app developed by RUE of Posts "Belpochta", and it's the official app of the National Postal Service Operator of Belarus. It shares some similarities with other postal mail apps like Postinfo. It lets you track your mail and brings other valuable features to the table.

With this app, among its many features, you can find information on postal services in your area and coordinate package deliveries. Everything’s done within a clean interface that gets the job done, as well as straightforward menus and options. That said, the app is in Russian, so you need to understand the language to use it successfully.

Useful features

With Белпочта, you'll be able to perform many post-related tasks with ease. Aside from tracking your mail, you can also search for your local post office and your recipient's nearest branch. It shows detailed information, including the date and hour of different events such as delivery attempts.

Another essential feature is the ability to coordinate deliveries. You can input all necessary data, including payment methods and what to do if the recipient isn't home.

Straightforward to use

This app is very simple to use for Russian speakers. There’s a menu on the bottom where you can manage your account, check your messages and perform other actions, while the main screen has simple options such as tracking status or buttons to call a courier.

A handy map feature lets you check out post offices based on an address or your location, making it easy for those unfamiliar with their surroundings. It takes only a couple of taps to do so, and it's less cluttered than Google Maps.

Okay, but not without issues

Белпочта is a helpful app for anyone in Belarus, but it's especially suited for heavy users of the official service operator. It allows you to perform basic post-related tasks and does little more. It saves you time whenever you need to inquire about a parcel's status or find a post office nearby.

However, some users complain about particular bugs and lack of features. For example, some claim that received parcels aren't removed from the list, so new ones can't appear. This and other app-breaking bugs make it a try-for-yourself deal. Hopefully, these complaints will be addressed in future updates.


Белпочта 1.5.4 for Android
  • Android 13.0
Latest update:
Monday, March 18th 2024
RUE of Posts Belpochta

Download options:

Белпочта APK for Android


RUE of Posts Belpochta(Free)

User rating8


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