Baldis Basics in Education & Learning
The average review on playstore is below 2.90. If you're interested in Baldis Basics in Education and Learning, you can find more information at Stephen Kennedys educational support site. All the programs & games here are strictly for personal or home use, except where specified. If you would like to purchase software, books or any other downloads, you will need to become a paid member. This will allow you to enjoy the software or books completely offline, with no interruption or adware.
Baldis Basics in Education and Learning is a fully 3D interactive learning and games program that will have your children laughing and learning while being entertained at the same time. There are eight levels of learning to get your child through, each more challenging than the last. Once you finish all eight levels, the software will automatically save your progress and you can start over any time to take on another level.
Baldis Basics in Education and Learning is fully licensed and provides quality learning content suitable for both boys and girls. It can be played alone or with friends, so there is no reason why your child cannot play it. This fun-time educational game can be the perfect choice for your next study session or family activity, so make sure it's available from the developer. Check out his website today.