Android Standoff 2 Game Review
Standoff 2 is an exciting multiplayer, counter-strike style FPS in which two competing teams fight inside relatively small enclosed areas. All of the maps used in the game are clearly based around Counter-Strike maps, like Dust 2 or Europe, but in a smaller scale making the gameplay experience a lot more frantic. If you loved the initial versions of Counter-Strike, then you will love this version of the game since it still has all the same great features of the original, but the action is downsized and made more realistic, while still maintaining a high degree of difficulty. I always hated playing Counter-Strike games where there were just a few big objectives to go through and the rest of the map was just a bunch of cover.Standoff 2 comes in two different game modes, Normal and Classic. in normal game mode, you choose one of the three action game styles (Search and Destroy, Rush, or Classic) and begin by defending your base from waves of attacking robots who are intent on destroying your base. In classic mode the objective is the same, but instead of protecting your base you have to defend the entrances to your facility, preventing the enemy from gaining access.
The controls for both Standoff 2 and the Android version of the app are designed very well. The on-screen actions and menus make it easy to learn the functions of each of the weapons, and the targeting system of the bow and arrow works extremely well. Android users with weaker keyboards might want to try the keyboard mode instead of playing with the joystick or mouse. Overall, this is a fast action game with lots of replay value that won't get old quickly.