How to Send to Kindle - Use Your PC Or Laptop to Send a Document to Your Kindle
Many people ask me how to send to Kindle using their PCs or laptops. I have tried sending to Kindle from my computer and it works perfectly fine. Amazon offer a service which lets you upload e-books and documents into Amazon's Kindle store and then upload them to your Kindle device for you. If in doubt, contact Amazon for technical support. Just note: if your Kindle put" Publications" and" Documents" in different sections, then you will see your PDF files in the main" Publications" section instead of in the Documents section
To upload to your Kindle, first ensure that your device is connected to the computer with a USB cable. Then download the latest version of the Amazon Kindle app (which can be downloaded free from Amazon). Open the Kindle app and search for "Documents". Once you have selected a document, click "Open" and a new window will display in which you can choose which folder on your PC or laptop you want to upload to your Kindle.
On macs, you need to use a USB driver to upload to your Kindle. To do so, open the iTunes app, then click "Genary Article" and select the option "Open Devices" and click "bridge". Finally, plug in your usb cord into the usb port of your Kindle.