WallaBee: Item Collecting Game
WallaBee is an exciting and engaging scavenger hunt style game that allows players to collect virtual items and complete sets. The game features over 2,600 virtual items hidden in real-world locations around you, waiting to be discovered. The goal of the game is to complete every set of virtual items available, each with a unique theme and beautiful artwork.
In WallaBee, players can collect honeycombs to acquire rare items that aren't available nearby. They can also mix items together for endless possibilities of unique combinations. Each item found in WallaBee begins at #1 and counts up incrementally, allowing players to display their collection however they like. The game features an in-game forum where players can join in the conversation, ask questions, request trades, or take part in exciting giveaways.
Overall, WallaBee is an addictive game that scratches the insatiable collecting itch. Whether you play from home or venture out into the real world, you'll discover new items and grow your collection. With new items released continuously, WallaBee offers endless hours of fun and adventure for players who enjoy completionist-style games.