Free driver analyser
Drivermax manages and supports the internal functioning and external devices of your PC for free. The latest version of Drivermax can be run on more than 2 million devices. It can analyse your existing drivers and provide you with the best version suited for them.
While Drivermax is an easy-to-use, open-source driver installer that millions use, you can also try Snappy Driver Installer Origin. This is another free open-source tool that can work well even without an internet connection. Another free source is DriversCloud, a cloud-based driver installer.
One of the most important aspects of driver installation is security and stability. Before installing Drivermax on a device, the software scans all controllers thoroughly. This is done to check for viruses and any other threats that may cause long-term damage to your PC.
Maximum security
Drivermax uses a unique and intelligent technology that helps it perform self-analysis. This helps it update the most recent version. It also notifies other software packages and installs them to improve your overall Windows performance.
Automatic testing
Drivermax tests any new drivers before installation. This is to ensure a safe and secure download to your computer. This is an automated procedure, so it doesn’t need to be manually handled by you. This is a handy feature, especially when you’re installing multiple drivers and you can’t check each one individually.
Backup created
In addition to all of this, the software will also create a backup of the current drivers and a system restore point so that no data is lost. This is done if you want a quick rollback of the installation if you aren’t happy with any of the updates or want to reset the system.
Improved productivity
By reducing system freezes and device malfunctions, Drivermax will enhance the functioning of your PC and provide only the best updates to you. Drivermax is an all-in-one solution that makes analysing, updating and eliminating your system drivers a breeze.