Vishnu Puran Hindi: An Easy-to-Read Scripture App
Vishnu Puran Hindi is an Android app developed by VARNI GROUP that offers an easy-to-read format of one of the most important Puranas in Hinduism. This app is specifically designed to cater to the Indian audience, as it is written in Hindi language. The app offers many features, including downloading of single tracks, offline reading, changing font size, bookmarking, and auto-scrolling for hands-free reading. The app also provides the option to create a list of favourite shiv puran and is categorized by location for easy navigation. The graphics are designed to make the most of the screen for easy reading. The app also offers the option to share the text via text message, Bluetooth, WhatsApp, Facebook, Google+, and all social media. Get this app and understand the depth of the values of Bhakthi, Moksha, an-all pervasive divinity, and the noble nature of Hindu religion.