Plain Clip - Removing Plain Text From Your Mac Clipboard
Plain Clip for Mac is an awesome free application that has a neat idea but unfortunately is just too impractical for the times. The application will allow you to choose which elements you would like to remove from your clipboard. In addition, you are also able to remove all formatting, embedded commands, spaces, fillers and even HTML text. Furthermore, it lets you manage your files in much the same way as you would with Mailapp or Address Book. However, I found one minor issue: the applications crashes on launch if there are any invalid shortcuts in your computer.
For me, I had the Plain Clip version, which came with the iBook feature. This feature integrated the Mailapp and Address book features, which meant that I could now sort my mail, contacts and even drafts from my Mac's desktop. It also removed the formatting from my files, which made them more readable on my current version of mac. However, I am not an absolute Mac user so the "adds files to clipboard" feature might not be perfect for me - in this case, I prefer to use the built in clipboard manager from Mac OS X Leopard.
If you are an absolute Mac user, you should try Plain Clip. If you are not using a Mac, I recommend checking out the other two apps available on the market. These apps cost about $2.99 each and are way easier to use on the Mac platform. So if you are tired of spending all day long using Microsoft Outlook on your PC, try out a Mac version of this popular email client.