
Mining Master - Adventure Game APK for Android



User rating8


Free mining adventure game

Mining Master is one of the best free adventure games for Android users. The gameplay allows players to mine blocks and discover precious artefacts. In addition, players collect and sell raw materials for profit, similar to the mechanics of another game called Recycle Master. 

Developed by MondayOFF, players can use their earnings to purchase upgrades such as new tools or boosters to help them move faster and collect more materials. To fully experience this game, your Android operating system must be 7.0 or higher. You should also check out Pokemon Ash Grey, Attack on Titan - Fan Game, and Desert Stalker, which are free, 100% fun, and safe!

Fun and unique mining experience

The game lacks a tutorial and manual, making it difficult at first for you to understand where to go and what each area does. However, once you overcome the initial learning curve, you can begin having fun exploring and mining the colourful 3D world. Several hidden treasures, such as dinosaur bones and artefacts, are hidden within the piles of raw materials waiting to be discovered.

Various exciting playing levels to complete

The game features multiple levels with unique artefacts you must discover and add to your museum. However, you may become frustrated with the repetitive ads that pop up during gameplay. The ads can be removed by purchasing additional in-game packs.

Every level has precious hidden prizes

The premise is simple, but the game provides a good challenge, requiring you to collect precious hidden prizes throughout the levels. You must also manage your resources effectively to purchase the necessary upgrades. However, the numerous ads may be a drawback for some players.

Fun and easy gaming for all levels of experience

The controls of this APK are straightforward to get to grips with and learn. The graphics are crisp and vivid, enhancing your overall playing experience. 

Before moving to the next level, you must find a precious hidden artefact. Finding these artefacts takes a lot of skill and patience. However, it is rewarding when you manage to finish each level’s quest to complete your goal.


Mining Master - Adventure Game 1.1.2 for Android
  • Android 10.0
Latest update:
Wednesday, January 3rd 2024
Download options:

Mining Master - Adventure Game APK for Android



User rating8


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