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Editors' Review · August 25, 2021

Free Health & Fitness Apps That Can Help Improve Your BP

This story is about an interesting new Android application called "DNN Apps". What is this and how can you use it? The simple fact of the matter is that DNN Apps is a hybrid android app that allows you to type in certain things on your phone and it will then show you a list of options. For example, type in "I am feeling my blood pressure today" and it will tell you how your reading is and then offer you various different exercises and activities to lower your blood pressure. DNN Apps works similar to some of the more popular traditional free health & fitness apps out there, but it does have some unique features that are different enough to make it stand out.

Many of the apps that you find on the Android Market are going to be variations of the same old theme that you see all over the internet. For example, "q-tip", "dongles", "health & fitness", "fit tracker", and many other similar applications. These apps are nothing more than thinly veiled ads for real, legitimate, and quality health & fitness services. With that being said, there is one unique type of health & fitness android app called DNN Apps that I have come across and I want to take a minute to discuss it with you.

This application is an excellent Android app for individuals who need to keep track of their blood pressure. It is extremely easy to use as it includes a free Android application called DNN Apps, which can be used in conjunction with your smartphone or PDA. DNN Apps uses the OCR technology provided by the Android platform to take your finger print and create a photo of your finger that is then sent to your home account online. Once you log into your account, you can monitor your bp daily and see what your pressure reading is. You will also be able to see if you have been hospitalized and which hospital you were admitted too.

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Blood Pressure Finger Prank 1.1 for Android
Android 9.0
Latest update
DNN Apps

Program available in other languages


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