Armikrog - A Clay Animated Adventure Game
Armikrog is a unique stop motion clay animated point and click adventure game developed by Versus Evil. The game follows the story of space explorer Tommynaut and his blind alien talking dog Beak-Beak, as they try to unravel the mysteries of the fortress that holds them captive through exploration and puzzle solving. Armikrog presents lovable characters designed by Doug TenNapel, the creator of Earthworm Jim and developed by the creators of The Neverhood, Ed Schofield and Mike Dietz.
The game features a rich cast of voiceover talent that brings Armikrog’s characters to life, including well-known actors Jon Heder (Napoleon Dynamite), Rob Paulsen (Pinky and the Brain), and Michael J. Nelson (Mystery Science TheaterThe original soundtrack created and recorded by American songwriter and record producer Terry Scott Taylor adds a unique touch to the game's immersive experience. Armikrog is a full version game available on Windows.