Adobe Spark is a fun and creative way to share ideas quickly and beautifully. With Adobe Spark you are able to create three types of content: Web pages, social media content and video.
This new software replaces Adobe’s previous creative social apps (Adobe Slate, Adobe Post and Adobe Voice) with this three-tool utility that is able to create social memes, mini websites, and narrated tutorials. Spark’s fresh tools are now called Spark Post, Spark Page and Spark Video. Adobe has also kindly released companion mobile apps (Currently only for iOS) to go along with the web based tool.
Spark PagePage allows you to create a story using text, images, and video. When your story is complete, Adobe Spark transforms it into a responsive web page that can be viewed in any web browser.
Spark PostSpark Post can be used to create images that are optimized for social media. Your content is crafted in a way that tweaks the media into the right shape and size for any social media platform you need.
Spark VideoSpark Video is used to turn your icons, images, music, and voiceover recordings to create vibrant video media.
The great thing about Adobe Spark is that all the tools available are interchangeable with each other. For instance, you can create individual Pages, Posts, and Videos, or you can include a Post image in a Video, or a Video in a Page etc.
PricingAdobe Spark uses a freemium pricing model. This means both the website and the supporting iOS apps, are totally free to use.
Bottom LineAdobe Spark is a great way to create engaging content that stands out from the crowd. If you don’t mind taking the time to get to grips with the software, then it really is a useful set of tools to create good graphics and visual stories for social media.