April Fool's Satellite Live Review
Have you ever wondered what life is like on the other side of the world, just on a normal day like today? Stop wondering: now you can see it. Satellite Live is an impressive mapping application with which you can view satellite imagery from any location on the planet, traveling from one place to another with just a mouse click and zooming in and out at your will. In a way, it works very much like the popular Google Earth but with a slight difference: Satellite Live offers live, real-time images.
The program uses former military technology that has now been released to civilians. Software developers have quickly taken advantage of it, producing a striking piece of software like you've probably never seen before. You'll be able to watch people actually walking down the street, parking their cars, buying groceries from the market stall, or going for a walk in the park. Obviously, the program only shows images from public and open areas, so forget about peeking into somebody's bathroom to witness private stuff. Nevertheless, Satellite Live features an extraordinary zoom level with which you won't miss a single thing.
Satellite Live lets you witness what's going on in any location on the planet, in real-time. Though the level of detail may vary, it's still an impressive app with which to learn how life is in other parts of the world.