Customize the "Open with" menu
OpenWithView is a free Windows program developed by NirSoft. It falls under the category of System Tuning & Utilities and provides a fast and easy way to clean up Open with dialog windows.
Different file types are usually associated with different applications, meaning they are opened with a specific program when double-clicked. However, with OpenWithView, you can customize the list of applications that appear in the "Open with" window. This is particularly useful when Windows displays too many apps or when you want to remove programs that are no longer used.
Using OpenWithView is simple. Just unzip the file, launch the program, and select the items in the list that you don't want to appear in the "Open with" menu. Changes are saved automatically. Unfortunately, you can only remove apps that are already on the list and there is no support for adding new ones. It would be beneficial to have the ability to select the applications that appear on top of the list and customize the app list based on file extensions.
Overall, OpenWithView is a handy tool for customizing the "Open with" menu and simplifying file associations on Windows.