dupeGuru Picture Edition Review
dupeGuru Picture Edition is a program that helps you detect and remove duplicate images on your Mac. It is a spin-off from the popular dupeGuru, designed for finding duplicate music files. With dupeGuru Picture Edition, you can easily free up valuable hard drive space and avoid the headache of managing duplicate images.
The program supports most major image formats, including PNG, JPG, and GIF. It even integrates with iPhoto, allowing you to automatically scan your entire iPhoto library. Additionally, dupeGuru Picture Edition offers special support for PSD and RAW files, catering to the needs of Mac users.
Using dupeGuru Picture Edition is simple and straightforward. You have control over scan preferences and can customize the scanning engine settings to your liking. The program provides options to either delete duplicate images instantly or move them to another folder. There is even a "Power Marker" feature for adding extra annotations to duplicate files.
While dupeGuru Picture Edition is a useful tool, it does have a few drawbacks. It doesn't always correctly detect duplicates, especially those in non-major formats. Additionally, scanning can be slow, especially if you have a large library of pictures.
Overall, dupeGuru Picture Edition is an easy-to-use and highly customizable program that helps you clear your hard drive of unwanted duplicate images.