DiskTracker: Keep Track of Your Removable Files and Folders
In this age of removable drives and external storage space, it's very easy to lose track of where your data is located. Enter DiskTracker, a simple cataloging utility that helps you keep track of your offline files. If you have several removable media disks, DiskTracker is ideal because it will maintain a local directory of files on removable disks, meaning you can search for files without actually having to insert the removable media. As a result, you can still search for items using Spotlight even if the disks aren't connected to your Mac.
One concern is that DiskTracker has been in beta for some years now, and it's strange that the developer hasn't been able to iron out any bugs that have prevented a full release being made. It's possible that it doesn't have much time to administer it because there's no doubting the interface is very dated. However, it has to be said that it seems very stable, and if you use a lot of external drives, it could mean you find it more useful than Spotlight to find data on your machine.
If you've got a lot of removable media devices, and you're constantly forgetting where your data is, DiskTracker is a simple but highly effective solution.