Call of Juarez - A Game Review
Call of Juarez was one of the earliest games to be launched directly on Facebook. It received overwhelming response from gamers and is still one of the most popular games being played online today. The game was created as part of the Reflexive Style Interactive Fiction Programming (RSIFP) programming language, which uses Flash and World Wide Web technologies to provide rich interactive worlds and characters for players to interact with and to enjoy. The game has an easy interface, which is suitable for all age groups since it does not have any complicated controls or complicated game-play. In fact, older children can easily pick up and play the game without any trouble.
The story of the game revolves around a Mexican drug lord named Marisa who finds herself stranded in an alternate dimension after her plane crashes. Her journey leads her to an army of undead, evil sorcerers, and other characters who want to take over the world. In order to return to the real world, Marisa must fight her way through a variety of zombies, robots, soldiers, and creatures along her journey. The player's objective is to save as many lives as possible, while completing all levels and missions before time runs out. Other than that, the player earns points, which can then be spent on buying and leveling up Marisa's character.
Although Call of Juarez offers a multiplayer mode where players can choose to be either the hero or the villain, the focus of the game lies in its single-player mode, where the storyline unfolds. For instance, in one level of Call of Juarez the player can control either Vasquez or Zawodnyk, both Mexican cops, and each performs differently when it comes to fighting crime. Likewise, some levels require the player to execute a cover-up and then proceed to fight with the enemy. However, other players can simply lay down cover and go for a run to gain an advantage over the game's storyline.