
Zupee Ludo Gold - Play Win APK for Android



User rating8

Free board game

Zupee Ludo Gold - Play Win is a free board game by lasinsraj. It’s essentially the game better known as just Ludo. The premise is to get your pawns to the centre of the board while competing against up to three opponents, and, in this sense, the app doesn’t make any changes. However, its highlight is its many social features. 

These features separate the app from others, such as  Ludo King and Yalla Ludo - LudoDomino. You can accumulate points, participate in tournaments, win real money and much more. It’s an interesting take on a classic table game that usually works well.

Ideal for strategists

Zupee Ludo Gold - Play Win doesn’t deviate from the premise of Ludo, originally a game from India called Pachisi. This game is perfect for strategists because the outcome doesn’t depend solely on luck. In each turn, you need to choose which pawn to use, which brings an extra layer of strategy to the game.


If you emerge victorious, you can earn in-game rewards from a prize pool. You can go up the ranks and play more competitive games, with even better prizes. Independent auditors have verified the outcome of the games, and results are generated randomly.

Technically basic

Each game can be exhilarating, but the same can’t be said for the app itself. Yes, it works fine and is very easy to use. However, the graphics are bland. You always see the board from a top-down perspective, so it’s less visually engaging than if it had a 3D view. 

There’s also little in terms of customisation. You can choose an avatar, but the game’s always played on the same bland board, with the same colours. There’s no board theme or custom pawns to add to the excitement and interest.

It simply works

Zupee Ludo Gold - Play Win is basic at its core, which works both for and against it, depending on your expectations. This app is a great option if you’re looking for a fun, quick way to play Ludo online without being overly challenging. 

On the other hand, if you’re looking for new experiences, the social component of this app will have to suffice because there’s little in terms of graphics and sound options. Let’s not forget that you may be able to win some money by playing it, too, which can be enticing to some.



Zupee Ludo Gold - Play Win 1.0 for Android
  • Android 9.0
Available languages:
  • English,
  • German,
  • Russian,
  • French,
  • Chinese,
  • Swedish,
  • Korean,
  • Chinese,
  • Portuguese,
  • Italian,
  • Spanish,
  • Arabic,
  • Japanese,
  • Polish,
  • Dutch,
  • Turkish
Latest update:
Thursday, June 29th 2023
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Zupee Ludo Gold - Play Win APK for Android



User rating8


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