Super Passport Bros: A 3D Adventure Platformer
Super Passport Bros is a 3D platformer game developed by Kman Studios. The game revolves around the story of Matt and Pat, who must rescue their love interests Priya and Pooja from their ex-girlfriends. The game has a single mode, which is the story mode, and allows players to choose between Matt and Pat as their playable character.
The game features a warp room that allows players to choose the level they want to access. Each warp room has 3-5 levels set in various locations, from islands to forests. Players can collect gems and jewels along the way, which are used to progress from one warp room to the next. The game also features hidden areas, secret levels, and multiple endings that can be accessed by finding warp zones and completing levels in different ways. Additionally, players can unlock secret characters to play as by discovering hidden warp zones.