Suicide Squad: Special Ops - A New Antihero Game
Suicide Squad: Special Ops is a free Android game that was released on August 12, 2016 for both the Samsung Galaxy S and the HTC Adreno. The game is an interactive-make that presents a mission based on the DC comics' series of characters. Players control the heroes of the Suicide Squad in order to save their beloved boss, supervising jeweler's wife, and stop a group of kidnappers. It presents some of the most intense graphics that you'll find on a smartphone. In fact, the entire game is set underwater, which makes it even more impressive.
Due to some unknown reasons, the company behind the game has chosen to restrict users from using certain applications prior to the release of Suicide Squads: Special ops on android. Although the company is not announcing anything at this time, we do know that the suicide missions will be available for free on several other devices including iPhones and Blackberry phones starting next week. Since this game is one of the top selling downloads on Google Play and the app store, it should find a decent amount of downloads given its popularity. It is expected to make waves once it arrives on other smart phone platforms like Windows Mobile and Motorola devices.
The game is a fun time with addictive game play. It will present you with an opportunity to explore and utilize some of your favorite cinematic fight scenes as well as thrilling shootouts. The story is captivating and extremely funny because the characters are all incredibly bizarre. If you love fantasy comedy then you definitely need to download Android: Special ops.