SniffyLite: Learn the facts while having fun
SniffyLite is a fun Windows application that contains a comprehensive educational database to help you learn facts quickly and easily. The application's main goal is to organize the information into a format that is easy to digest and navigate. You can add content to the app by scanning barcodes on printed pages, or text it to yourself if a barcode is not available. The app allows you to explore the database using your own device or an external barcode scanner. It also offers interesting facts arranged by subject matter and category. For beginners, the app provides the option to browse all available content by entering a subject area on the top menu. For advanced users, detailed information on any topic can be accessed by tapping on it. Additionally, the app allows users to write and print notes for future reference. SniffyLite is an easy-to-use and effective learning tool that fits perfectly into your busy schedule. Visit our website to download the print version of the app.