
FNAF World APK for Android


Clickteam USA LLC(Free)

User rating8

FNaF World on the Android Market

FNaF World is a very popular multi-player action role-playing game on mobile devices. This game is fully compatible with the Android OS. FNaF World can be played free of charge but there is also a premium version available for purchase. The main game revolves around five different kids who are thrown into a crazy adventure to save their loved ones from evil beings called theuders. You can choose from one of the five playable characters that includes Android Man, Android Princess, Android Beast, Android Rayman and Android Cyborg.

You can also buy different episodes of FNaF World and continue the fun from any point of time. This can be done either by playing individual episodes or by going through the entire season. The episodes of this multi-player horror game series are very exciting and offer many hours of high quality entertainment. As you move forward through the game you will encounter many episodes of the series including the original mod "mods: Vampire" and the fan-made mods: Ultimate Halloween. Each episode of FNaF World has its own storyline and the monsters that are seen in each episode are based on the characteristics of the five kids.

The original mod for Android was designed by a person known as Chris Delay. This person has worked on a number of popular modding games including mods for Mafia Wars and DayZ. A lot of his efforts have been put into the creation of the five Nights at Freddy's mod for Android. The five Nights at Freddy's apk is compatible with the iPhone and has lots of great content including cut-scenes, music and sounds. If you love FNaF you will love the five nights at Freddy's apk!




FNAF World 1.0 for Android
  • Android 4.3,
  • Android 7.0,
  • Android 4.1.1,
  • Android 3.1,
  • Android 4.2,
  • Android 4.2.1,
  • Android 4.0,
  • Android 8.0,
  • Android 4.4,
  • Android 6.0,
  • Android 3.2,
  • Android 9.0,
  • Android 3.3,
  • Android 3.0,
  • Android 5.0,
  • Android 4.1,
  • Android 4.1.2,
  • Android 4.2.2
Latest update:
Monday, June 21st 2021
Clickteam USA LLC
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FNAF World APK for Android


Clickteam USA LLC(Free)

User rating8


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