
CM Security Antivirus AppLock APK for Android


Cheetah Mobile(Free)

User rating8

A Look At The Popular CM Security Antivirus AppLock

CM Security Antivirus AppLock is a powerful antivirus program specially made to be full-featured security app. With its unique and powerful scanning engine, it can safeguard your android device against malware, spyware, adware, exploits, and viruses. This innovative and full-featured antivirus for android also features an intuitive interface that allows users to easily manage and optimize their scanner results. It has earned the approval of Google Play and the Android Marketplace and has been widely praised by industry experts.

Antivirus - Protection Master, a premium-free antivirus for android, secure your phone from malware and exploits with powerful #1 antivirus engine. As per CM Security Antivirus AppLock review, this exceptional and free app protects your device against "viruses, worms, Trojans, spyware, adware, and more", and gives users an improved user experience. The CM Security Antivirus AppLock has been used by millions of people across the globe as their preferred mobile security app, and it is expected to surge in the future when android devices have greater functionality and popularity among users.

In today's modern mobile world, security is of utmost importance. And so, CM Security Antivirus AppLock is one of the premier free program to help you get rid of threats and protect your mobile from prying eyes. If you want to get free app lock scan, you can simply go to applemails. CM Security Antivirus Free should always be used as a demo. This will allow you to get a feel of what this amazing free app can do for you. This is the most outstanding and effective free app locking product to date, and people all around the world are raving about it.




CM Security Antivirus AppLock 5.1.8 for Android
  • Android 9.0
Latest update:
Tuesday, September 28th 2021
Cheetah Mobile

Download options:

CM Security Antivirus AppLock APK for Android


Cheetah Mobile(Free)

User rating8


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