Always Sometimes Monsters: An Emotional Adventure Game
Always Sometimes Monsters is a captivating adventure game developed by Devolver Digital. The story revolves around the protagonist, an author who is struggling with a creative crisis and has just received a note that his love is getting married to someone else. The game is based on the player's decisions and actions that influence the further development of the story.
The game spans over 30 virtual days, and the player needs to complete one task each day, which can be achieved in various ways. The game does not have any combat system, and instead, the player needs to focus on building emotional connections with the in-game characters. The game features a character customization system where the player can adjust the gender, age, and sexual orientation of the main character, which affects how the character reacts in the virtual world.
Overall, Always Sometimes Monsters is a unique adventure game that offers an emotional and immersive experience. The game's non-standard plot and character customization system make it stand out from other games in the genre.