Free Picture Resizer
Free Picture Resizer is a great app that lets you undertake basic image editing, such as resizing, flipping and rotating images, and applying filters and color alterations.
The app's most advanced feature is the batch converter. This allows you to perform various actions, such as renaming and resizing photos, changing the image format, setting rotation, modifying the color gamut, and adding filters etc. To help you along, it has a four-step wizard that can assist you in setting up each batch conversion.
Key features include:
Batch processing
Colour correction
With Free Picture Resizer you can resize and optimize images easily. You can use the wizard to help or you can manually adjust your own settings. It allows you to set custom contrast, hue, saturation, and luminance levels, and you can apply various filters to achieve your desired result.
Overall, Free Picture Resizer is top tool for making small adjustments to individual photos or batches of images. It is relatively lightweight and has a small footprint. That being said, although Free Picture Resizer is both functional and intuitive, the app’s interface does look a tad dated.