Inception (Movie Review)
Ridley Scott is known for his quirky science-fiction movies that combine elements of psychological horror and futuristic thriller. His three films - Gladiator, Predator, and Inception - have both achieved blockbuster status. His most recent film, Memento, which he directed as well as produced, is likewise a cerebral mystery/thriller that's been earning rave reviews ever since it debuted in March. Inception is the fourth film in his stellar career, and like Gladiator and Inception, it's set to earn him an Oscar nomination.
The story of the Inception spy thriller begins in London, where Tom Cruise's character, an ex-Special Forces operative turns down an assignment into a top-secret facility where he plans to carry out his mission... but when his double life is exposed, he finds himself on the wrong side of the law and into the arms of a shadowy entity from the Russian underworld. This slick debut by none other thanisites James Bond author John Moore conjures up visions of James Bond's nemesis, M.A.S.H., and its leading character, QT, who's determined to steal secrets from an equally ambitious and dangerous Russian agent (Kiri Koala). Movie buffs with a long attention span will certainly enjoy Inception's fast-paced action, which includes a breathtaking set-up of a car chase on the London bridge - only to see it explode onto the pavement in slow-mo, leaving cars mangled and a taxi smashed beyond recognition.
With a multi-million payday at stake, this picture has already earned more than $500 million in worldwide ticket sales alone, becoming the second film in a blockbuster franchise to earn over $1 billion at the box office. The secret behind its success can be traced back to its stunning portrayal of dream therapy - and even if you haven't seen the film, the chances are good that you've had a dream about this theme. It just goes to show that sometimes dreams really do come true. Whether you like or hate Inception, one thing is certain: you definitely know what it's all about...