Action Taimanin: Super Ninja Action RPG
Embark on a thrilling journey in "Action Taimanin," a free-to-play gacha game set in a demon-infested Tokyo. Lead a team of superhuman ninjas known as the Taimanin to retrieve a stolen biological weapon and combat the forces of darkness threatening humanity. This hack-and-slash RPG seamlessly blends action-packed combat with visual novel elements, featuring stunning 3D-rendered characters with unique charm and style.
Experience fast-paced and exhilarating combat with easy-to-master controls, whether engaging in PvE missions or challenging other players in PvP battles. Customize your Taimanins with costumes and weapons, build relationships with characters through interactions, and compete in the Battle Arena to test your skills. With Daily Quests, Special Modes, and Time Attack, there are plenty of opportunities to earn rewards and hone your abilities in this immersive and engaging game.