Free security suite for Windows
xca is a free-to-use suite of security apps and utilities for Windows. The xca security suite gives the average PC user the ability to make their connections and PC experience more secure. xca offers numerous apps and utilities to revolutionise everything from internet browsing security to optimised WiFi control.
There isn’t really a direct alternative to the full-service security suite xca offers, but there are ways to take a more active role in your online security. VPNs like Hamachi are free to use and verified safe. Hamachi’s parent company LogMeIn also offers numerous other apps and utilities to make security more accessible.
Browse with confidence with xca Browser Security, a full-service web browser with built-in security frameworks. Use the internet more efficiently and take more control over your connection. You can block malicious content like viruses and trojan applications with ease from the xca hub. There’s also the option to choose what file extensions are safe to download and verify and manage SSL certificates with more ease than before.
xca browser security
xca wifi control
This utility can help you find open WiFi networks easily. It also claims to automatically optimise your WiFi connection if it detects that you’re in an area with poor signal or low coverage. Choose the networks you trust to automatically connect to and analyse the security of those you don’t. You can also initiate network speed tests and take a more active role in your online password management.
xca security suite
The xca security suite isn’t one standalone app but rather a diverse and integrated ecosystem of security-centred apps and utilities to protect you in the online landscape. Once you’re connected, xca apps work hand in hand to give you the best internet and PC security experience possible.
Take control of your internet security
Enlist the help of xca and its diverse and integrated suite of security apps to secure your browser. You can take advantage of incredible utilities like VPNs, WiFi control, browsing apps and other productivity and security apps. xca is easy to set up and use.
It gives you more control over your online experience than you natively have. It may not be a popular name for online security, but there are many great features worth trying out.