Thor: The Dark World Sequel
Thor: The Dark World is an upcoming science-fiction movie directed by Kenneth Branagh and starring Anthony Hopkins as the titular character Thor. It's the second movie in the Thor franchise, following the successful Thor: The Infinity War. The movie was released in theaters worldwide in March of 2021 and did very well, earning over $700 million at the box office.
Thor: The Dark World draws its inspiration (as much as it can get based on the comic books) from the pages of the comics and features a host of characters including the mighty Thor, the enigmatic Heimdall and the fan-favorite villain Malefic Rogues. In the film, Thor has been transported into the fantastic realm of Helgrims realms where he battles the Skrulls and other strange beings. Thor's adventures will also take him across the realms of the Nine-oths where he helps the humans against the creatures of darkness. According to the book series, Thor must defeat the evil hammer-wielder, Thanos, in order to defeat the Skrulls permanently. While no particular details have been given by the production team for the latest Thor: The Dark World - The Official Game, we do know that the game is going to feature a new arc, which is centered around the events of the Infinity War.
With the release of The Dark World - The Official Game, the third installment of the Thor franchise, the wait for the fourth Thor movie will be finally over. In the meantime, fans of the comics or those who simply want to see what happens in the film can simply play the present games online (which is one of the reasons why the game is so enjoyable). The trailers for the film have already shown some of the things that the characters from both the films will be doing, and while these aren't definitive details, they at least give us a good idea of what we can expect in the upcoming Thor film. It will be interesting to see how this story evolves, because it is inevitable that there will be a connection between the Thor: The Dark World and the Infinity War film series, as well as the MCU.