Final Fantasy XIII-2: A Sequel Worth Playing
Final Fantasy XIII-2 is a Japanese role-playing game that serves as a direct sequel to the 2009 title, Final Fantasy XIII. Developed by Square Enix, the game is the third installment in the Fabula Nova Crystallis subseries.
The game takes place three years after the events of the original game, with Serah Farron, Lightning's sister, and a new character, Noel Kreiss, as the main protagonists. The game's storyline follows the events of Final Fantasy XIII, but does not connect to the other Final Fantasy games.
The gameplay is similar to the original game, but with some significant differences. The battle system is presented as Command Synergy Battle, based on the usage of the Action Time Battle bar. The game also has more open areas that encourage exploration, and the party consists of only two characters, with the third spot reserved for tamed monsters. The game is also equipped with a random encounter system that was present in previous installments.
Overall, Final Fantasy XIII-2 is a worthy sequel that improves upon the original game's mechanics and storyline.